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Let me home be not 

Made of brick and stone,

Let it not be of flesh and blood,

Lord let my home be in you.

With your people.

No matter where that may be,

Let my home be you. 

Let me not be tethered,

Thinking my home is a place.

For it should only be you,

You are all I need.


That poem I wrote within 10 days of getting to Guatemala. Little did I know how important it would be to me in the months following. Since that day my constant prayer has been this, “let my home be where you are.” Everyday that prayer is on my mind as I go about learning about new cultures and meeting new people. 



Shouldn’t that be a prayer for any missionary or follower of Christ? We are all called to make our home where he is. That could be in a small town loving on the people around you. Maybe it could be living in another country without a lot of things you think you need. Or maybe it’s not even having a set home and moving around serving others and loving people. Whatever situation we are put in we are called to make our home in that place. 


So here comes my shameless plug, I still have $824 left to raise and just until the end of April to do it. Starting Friday (3/12) through Friday 3/26 I’ll have T-shirts for sale. I’ll have my own store and be able to take payment and ship directly to each person who orders. These shirts have the prayer that’s become a part of my life on them and a pretty awesome design on the front as well. Before the store opened I had the heart to share why I decided on this design, and give you all the space to see what’s been going on in my mind for the last several weeks. -T-shirt link