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I never thought I’d have a blog as crazy as that last one but this one might just top it. A few weeks ago God healed me of my tomato allergy and I thought nothing could be crazier. But today I’m sitting in a coffee shop with new knowledge. God didn’t heal me of my tomato allergy. Sure I can eat tomatoes now without a reaction, I’ve proved that much, but that’s not what happened. I didn’t get healed of a allergy just to deal with more of them, others that caused me to stay away from foods I love. God doesn’t do things halfway. 


God has radically and completely changed an entire part of my life. He healed me not of a tomato allergy, but of my latex allergy. The allergy that caused me to not play with balloons and paint, oh and more definitely. The same one that meant I couldn’t eat tomatoes, bananas, or citrus and man do I love a lot of things made with those ingredients. It’s been a lifetime of me avoiding anything and everything made with latex, and three years of avoiding those foods with latex in them. And now I’m sitting in a coffee shop after eating some banana bread (one of my favorites) in awe that I have so much more freedom. 


How often do we think as a church that healings happen but maybe as a longterm thing? Or maybe they can happen instantly but only for people in third world countries, ones who really need it. Maybe you’ve had the belief that yeah it happens but only for things that really need healed, a sickness or something that affects someone’s health drastically. Well I’m here to tell you that God heals things that we don’t even know need healed. I wouldn’t have thought to ask for prayer over an allergy, it’s an allergy, everyone has at least one. But through someone on my team praying for an healing I didn’t even think I needed it happened. People. God wants to heal you. He wants you to be whole. He is the best father we could ask for and will give us gifts we couldn’t even fathom asking for. What are we so scared of? Why are we scared to ask him for the little things? What would it hurt if He said no? Or is it we’re scared of what would happen if He said yes